Monday, October 14, 2013

So many roads...

At 6:00 AM last Sunday the alarm intruded into my subconscious, while the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted upstairs. I tossed off the warm embrace of sleep and quickly got dressed, trying not to wake the family. It was a hike day, and I was heading to Cube Mountain in Orford, NH for another solo hike. This would be #29 on the 52 With A View list I was currently chasing.

The day was shrouded in fog as I made my way up I93. The Weather Man forecasted partly cloudy to start, with bright sunshine late morning. No mention of fog was made!The Weather Man, as usual, was wrong!

Although I like the way photos look with the fog through the trees, I hoped this would burn off quickly so I could experience some of the wonderful views this mountain had to offer.

Cube Mountain has two peaks, North & South, both of which offered spectacular views in different directions. However, only South Peak actually counts on the 52 With A View list. That didn't really matter to me. I planned to summit both peaks.

This was my first hike since last week's Following Atticus Gratitude Hike.
That was the first time (and maybe last) that I have hiked with such a large group of hikers. Don't get me wrong, it was a great hike, and everyone who participated were truly wonderful people. I am glad I got to meet them all, and many have become Facebook Friends. It's just that I go to the mountains for peace and serenity, mostly hiking solo, or with one or two trusted friends. A large group does not lend itself to the way and reasons I hike. I know that Tom & Atticus understand this!!

I got on the trail about 8:30 AM. This was a bit late for me, as I usually like to start much earlier. However, this wasn't a very long hike (a little under 7 miles RT) and not one that is particularly popular with the Tourist Hiker crowd.

I parked my car, changed into my hiking boots, put my wallet and phone into plastic sandwich bags to protect them from moisture, and put my pack on and adjusted the straps. After one final check to make sure I had everything I needed, I set off.

The Mount Cube trail is one of the nicest and easiest trails to hike. It never gets steep, and is easy to follow. This will make a great snow shoe hike in the Winter. This was a very pleasant walk in the woods. Getting to the trail head early means that I have a good chance of solitude on the trail and the summits. That's just what I got. There was not a soul around, although I did see one car that was parked, but looked as if it had been there overnight.

It was perfect hiking temperature, and I was feeling good as I headed down the trail. As usually happens on solo hikes, I soon became lost in my thoughts as I walked along the trail. Suddenly, three gunshots ripped the silence of the forest away.

With the gunshot echos bouncing off the hills, I quickened my pace. I wanted to get as far away as possible. I have no problem with hunting but I really wish that it was banned within in 1 mile of trails. Bullets don't always go where intended! I will admit, I was nervous for quite awhile. I almost wished that Russ was with me with his Bear Bell. Going forward, I made as much noise as I could and was glad I remembered to wear bright orange!!

After awhile, I calmed down enough to relax and enjoy the hike, and again got lost in my thoughts. For any of you who also hike solo, you will know what I mean about lost in my thoughts. With no one else to talk to, my mind has full blown conversations with itself! I am never really on a solo hike because I bring all the voices in my head!

Eventually, I came to a trail junction.  I felt like Dorothy when she met up with the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. South Peak is the one that counts for the 52 With A View list I was working on, but both peaks have spectacular views.

As I was pondering my decision, I could hear loud voices and laughter on South Peak. That settled it...North Peak was going to be my first choice. I wouldn't realize until later how fortuitous that decision was.

Once I reached the summit of North Peak, the views opened up before me. I could see Mt Moosilauke in the distance trying to poke through the undercast.

Blueberry Mt was also viewable, resplendent in the colors of Fall. While on the summit, I took all the photos of the views I could take.

For 45 minutes, I had the summit to myself. I love my solitude on summits. It is one of the reasons that I like to get an early start.  I enjoyed some snacks and the hot green tea I brought, and was soothed by the silence and beauty around me.

All too quickly, a fog bank rolled over South Peak, quickly erasing any potential views. I hung out on North Peak for a bit longer, hoping the fog would burn off. Instead, it got thicker and the wind picked up, causing the temperature to drop.

Thankfully, this wasn't my first rodeo so to speak, and I came prepared. I changed out of the wet shirt I had on, and added layers until I chased the chill away. I even had to put on gloves and a hat for a little while.

Eventually, I came to realize that the views were not coming back and decided it was time to summit South Peak. I made my way back the way I had come, getting misdirected once or twice, finally coming to the trail junction.

I found the way to South Peak, and quickly found the Summit.
Much to my dismay, I came across a husband and wife near the Summit. After the normal pleasantries exchanged between hikers, I found out that they were section hiking the Appalachian Trail, and this hike would complete New Hampshire for them. They were nice enough to offer to take my summit photo. I reciprocated and took theirs as well! I did not stay on South Peak for long since there were no views. The walk down was quick and easy, an soon I found myself at my car. I highly recommend this mountain for anyone looking for a nice short hike, with great views.

Here is a video of my hike. I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for reading and happy trails! Cheers!!


  1. I like reading your adventures Jack, keep writing & I'll keep reading. It was a pleasure to meet you on the Gratitude Hike.

    1. Thank you Donna Jean! It was a pleasure to meet you too!!

  2. It was a great day! I am glad you liked it.I love when I get to see under cast! Happy trails!
