Monday, September 23, 2013

Butterflys Are Free To Fly...

I have to relate a very interesting, and for me, heart warming experience I had on Mt Hedgehog earlier this year. As many of you know, the trail on the backside can be difficult to follow at times. For this story you should also know that my mother, who passed away in November of last year, was very fond of butterflies.

In heading down the mountain, I got confused and headed off trail on three separate occasions. After the first time, this incredible feeling of love and safety overwhelmed me. It felt how I remember when I was little and frightened and being held by my mother. Right at that point, a Tiger Swallowtail butterfly started flying around my head, as if trying to get my attention. It circled me for about a minute and then flew off in a particular direction. I asked it if it were my mom come back to help me but she didn't answer me.  

Well, since I was off trail, I decided to follow this butterfly and wouldn't you know it, it led me right back to the trail. It flew around me several more times and then flew off on its way again. I thanked the butterfly for her assistance and continued on.

Well, I got off track two other times on this hike. Each time, I found a butterfly flying around me and it led me back to the trail. After the third time, I began thinking that someone was looking out for me.

When my mom passed, everyone told me she would give me a sign. Every day I since her death, I have looked for that. Each day I never saw a sign, I felt cheated, even though I didn't really believe in that. Was this butterfly my mom come back to lead me to safety? I don't know, but having it happen three times was a bit emotional for me. The best part was even at the end of the hike, as I was removing my boots, a butterfly came over, flew around my car several times as if to make sure I was safe and then flew away.

With my mom's death merely 6 months before this hike, this was such an emotional experience that I had to sit in the car for 10 minutes just to get my composure back. I will NEVER look at butterflies in the same way again!


Short video of my hike


  1. OK I got tears Jack, I'm sooo sorry for your loss and I believe there are angels here on earth to watch over us. Sounds like your Mom sent one to watch out for you. There's your sign my new friend and how touching, thank you for sharing this!

  2. What a touching post -- I do believe she was looking out for you. How wonderful to be reminded of her every time you see those delicate creatures.~ Kat

  3. <3 wonderful post, and what a wonderful feeling to have your Mom share her presence with you in that very special way...

  4. She was your butterfly today. I believe in those visions. Today, she guided you, to keep you safe, and to let you know that she is safe!

  5. Wow! I loved reading this, I have the same experiences with my Mother. Very touching:)

  6. Beautiful ! I have received signs also - very similar. Can't wait to hear about your Atticus hike !!

  7. Jack, I am new to your blog but I know that butterfly was a sign from your mom. I too had a sign after my father passed unexpectedly. Trust me, she is with you every day....Pam blog follower.

  8. Again, thank you all for your comments!!

  9. Thank you for sharing. My mom died 3 years ago and the butterfly has been my connection to her since then. The new life from an old one is an amazing phenomena. Thanks!

    1. I am glad this story helped. Sorry for the late response. I didn't see these comments...

  10. That is truly a special butterfly, I would agree, a sign from your mother.
