Thursday, July 27, 2017

The Prouty...

I recently rode in the Prouty Cancer Charity ride out of Hanover, NH USA, and it got me thinking about the first time I rode that nearly 6 years ago. For those of you that don’t know what a Century ride is, it is a fully supported charity bicycle ride of 100 miles. On an average Century ride, I will burn between 6000 and 7000 calories and will lose 5-7 pounds. I want to relate to you what it was like that first time:

It’s the night before. I can’t sleep. Nervous energy races through me. Will the hills be too hard? How hot will it be? Can I make it? I finally fall asleep at 3 am only to have the alarm go off at 4:30. Although tied, I nearly jump out of bed and quickly dress. Downstairs, I make myself a large coffee for the hour ride to the start of the event. With the bike loaded on top, and my helmet, shoes and other accompaniments, I set off at 5:00 am.

Miraculously, I met my riding partners in the crowd of 2000 cyclist. Eager to ride, we take off. 10 miles into the ride I feel great! I am energized by the sights and sounds of the other cyclist. The road is awash in color from all the different jerseys the riders are wearing. The wind is light and the temperature just a little chilly, but promising to warm up quickly.

20 miles have gone by now. I still feel great. I can’t believe how good I am riding and how strong I feel. I am a cycling god today! I am passing riders left and right. It almost feels as if I am flying. I take a sip from my grape Poweraide filled water bottle. It tastes like nectar from the gods!

40 Miles now! I am the Energizer Bunny. I keep going and going! There are only 60 more miles to go! We are all doing great. The heat is starting to build quickly, but I am hydrating well so it is not a problem. This is a piece of cake. I am going up hills like there is a motor on my bike.

60 miles. I am beginning to feel periodic cramping in my legs. My back is getting a little sore from being bent over the handlebars for so long.I can no longer feel my behind!! Even though I am having some cramping, my legs feel pretty good. I should ride a Century Ride every weekend! Maybe I will ride in the Tour de France next year!!

70 miles…the first hint of being tied has started to creep in. The heat has built up quite a lot. I try to ride in the shadows on the side of the road to stay out of the sun. Still feeling good but I have run out of water and it is about 10 miles until the next stop. It’s touching the mid 90s now. I am thirsty.
80 miles in…the heat is unbearable. There is no shade to be found anywhere. I am starting to hallucinate. The sweat is stinging my eyes and making it hard to see. I HATE everybody right now. Why did I decide to ride this? What was I thinking? I can’t seem to drink enough fluids. I am severely dehydrated. I HATE my bike right now!!!

86 miles…I would sell my soul for an air-conditioned ride home right now. I would leave my hated bicycle on the side of the road, hoping to never see it or another bicycle again! I think I might die from the heat.

90 miles in…wait, WTF? Did I just hear that the last 10 miles are all up hill? Are you F’ing kidding me? If I can find the sadistic bastard that designed this course I will pummel him until he lay bleeding in the dirt, provided I haven’t already died from this heat! As if the up hills aren’t enough, we now have a 20 mile headwind. Is that thunder I just heard? Must pedal faster!!!!

100 miles!!! I made it. As I cross the finish line, I am cheered and thanked by many volunteers that line each side of the finish. I feel like I just won the Tour de France! As I walk through the finish area, and see the other riders and volunteers, I remember the list of names I carried in my pocket. I read the names of friends and family members and remember why I ride, and vow to ride again next year!
Thanks for reading!